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About Eliezer Segal

Prof. Eliezer Segal” class=
Prof. Eliezer Lorne Segal

Eliezer Segal is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Classics and Religion at the University of Calgary, specializing in Rabbinic Judaism.

Originally from Montreal, he holds a BA degree from McGill University (1972) and MA and PhD in Talmud from the Hebrew University (1976, 1982). In 1982-1983 he served briefly in the Combat Engineering Corps of the Israel Defence Forces. 

He and his wife Agnes Romer Segal live in Calgary. They have three sons and five grandchildren.

Prof. Segal has been on the faculty of the University of Calgary since 1986. He retired from active teaching in 2017. 

In addition to his many academic studies of textual and literary aspects of rabbinic literature and the interactions of Jewish and neighbouring cultures, he has attempted to make the fruits of Judaic scholarship accessible to non-specialist audiences through his web site, newspaper columns and children’s books.

Some of his recent books include: The Most Precious Possession (2014), Teachers, Preachers and Selected Short Features (2019), The Times of Our Life: Some Brief Histories of Jewish Time (2019), Beasts that Teach, Birds that Tell: Animal Language in Rabbinic and Classical Literatures (2019).

This WordPress site (eliezersegal.ca) consists largely of material that was originally located at his University of Calgary web site (people.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal) and was closed down in 2023.

Scholarship about Judaism and other religious traditions